Write on aptlearn

Write For Us

aptLearn welcomes tech-minded individuals to work with. If you are someone who:

● Has a passion for technology
● Enjoys helping people solve their problems
● Loves writing and has an excellent grasp of the English language

Type of Contents You Can Submit

We accept various technology-related articles, including but not limited to programming, design, technical articles etc. However, we do prefer how-to guides, tutorials and in-depth software or gadget reviews. Please be informed that aptLearn does not usually feature listicles. We accept lists, but they have to be thoroughly researched and relatively in-depth.

You should submit informative content that offers a particular insight on something or a solution to a complex problem. We want to offer users something that actually helps them. We are not looking for filler content.

We also check every submitted article for plagiarism. We do not work with authors who plagiarize their content.

Editorial Guidelines

To guarantee the quality of our articles and offer the best user experience, there are a few rules that you need to follow when writing your piece. Learn about our editorial guidelines; submissions that do not follow Editorial Guidelines will be rejected.

Submissions Are Closed At This Time
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