About Course

Welcome to aptLearn’s comprehensive and interactive HTML course! Our online course is designed to turn you from a beginner into a proficient HTML coder. Whether you’re looking to start a career in web development, want to enhance your current skill set, or are a hobbyist wanting to build your own website, this course is perfect for you.

Our HTML course is a step-by-step guide that covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts. We’ve designed it to be engaging, easy to understand, and practical. You’ll learn by doing, with plenty of examples and exercises that give you hands-on experience.

In this course, you’ll start with understanding what HTML is and why it’s so important in web development. You’ll learn about HTML tags, elements, attributes, and how they work together to create a structured web page. We’ll delve into topics like formatting, styles, lists, links, images, tables, and forms. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create a fully functional, well-structured, and aesthetically pleasing website.

What sets our course apart is our commitment to making learning interactive and fun. We use colourful diagrams to explain concepts, making them easier to understand and remember and provide an interface where you see the result of your code by clicking the run button!.

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Happy?, Nice! Our lessons are detailed and thorough, ensuring you fully grasp each topic before moving on to the next.

Join our HTML Tutorial today and start your journey towards becoming a skilled web developer. Remember, At aptLearn, we believe in providing high-quality education accessible to everyone. We’re excited to be part of your learning journey. Enrol now, and let’s start coding!

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What Will You Learn?

  • Comprehensive understanding of HTML references and how to use them effectively.
  • Proficiency in using different HTML element tags and their attributes.
  • Knowledge of how to use HTML semantic tags to provide meaning to your web content.
  • Skills to use HTML input tags to create interactive forms.
  • Understanding of how to use HTML canvas and SVG for creating graphics.
  • Mastery of HTML multimedia tags for embedding audio, video, and other media types.
  • Familiarity with HTML metadata tags and their role in SEO and webpage rendering.
  • Confidence in using HTML scripting tags to include JavaScript in your web pages.
  • Proficiency in using HTML link tags to link external resources like CSS files.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all HTML tags, their usage, and best practices.
  • Ability to use HTML event attributes to create dynamic and interactive web content.
  • Understanding of HTML global attributes and their application across different HTML tags.
  • Mastery of HTML5 new features and tags like <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, and more.
  • Confidence to troubleshoot and debug HTML issues using browser developer tools.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of HTML standards and compliance for web accessibility.

Course Content

HTML Tutorial

  • HTML introduction
  • HTML Editor
  • HTML Basics
  • HTML Elements
  • HTML Attributes
  • Assessment 3


HTML References

This course offers certificate of completion

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