
Certification FAQs

This is a documentation aanswering frequently asked questions on certification.

The name on my certificate still didn’t change. What do I do?

There is no problem. Your browser’s cache has refused to clear. Do the following.

  1. Go back to the dashboard and select enrolled
  2. Select the course and click “Retake This Course.”

3. Select Reset Data and Mark all the course lessons as completed. Since you’ve taken the course before, you do not have to go through them again. Generate your certificate with this guide.

How can I download my Certificate?

When all the curriculum items of a course have been completed, you will get an email notifying you that you have completed your course.

This means you must have Completed All quizzes and passed them, including but not limited to assignments and lessons. You must also Mark each class as completed and have read, studied, and understood the context of the lesson’s module.

There is a download certificate button in the mail. Click on it, and you will be redirected to a page where your certificate will be fetched.

I finished my course, but I still can’t access my Certificate of completion. Why is that?

  1. Each curriculum item must be marked as complete to receive your Certificate of completion.
  2. Double-check the course player’s course curriculum to ensure each lecture and course item has a checkmark beside it and is marked as complete, as shown below.

NOTE: Occasionally the system may need a few moments to generate a certificate of completion after a course has been completed.

Wait a couple of minutes. You may also need to refresh the page, or clear your cache and cookies, to see your certificate.

It is important to note that although all paid courses offer certificates of completion, some free courses do not offer a certificate of completion.

What can I do with my Certificate?

You can share with your friends, families, coworkers, and potential employers! The certificates of completion help demonstrate your accomplishments. You can also add it to your LinkedIn and resume.

Do I need to complete the lectures in order? 

No. All you have to do to generate your Certificate of completion is to ensure that all the lectures and course items are marked as complete.